When CPAP Is Not Working

When CPAP Is Not Working

Assessing and Treating Deteriorating Respiratory Failure Patients Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation such as CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) has become a standard of care for the prehospital respiratory distress patients. It helps prevent patients...

Prehospital cricothyrotomies in a helicopter emergency medical service: analysis of 19,382 dispatches

Creating a patent airway by cricothyrotomy is the ultimate maneuver to allow oxygenation (and ventilation) of the patient. Given the rarity of airway management catastrophes necessitating cricothyrotomy, sufficiently sized prospective randomized trials are difficult to perform. Our Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) documents all cases electronically, allowing a retrospective analysis of a larger database for all cases of prehospital cricothyrotomy.