Ambu Bag Celebrates 65 Years of Saving Lives
The Ambu Bag has come to define the self-inflating manual resuscitation device that is part of the standard kit carried by first responders.
The Ambu Bag has come to define the self-inflating manual resuscitation device that is part of the standard kit carried by first responders.
Many 9/11 survivors suffer from upper airway diseases or digestive disorders because of inhaling toxic dust after the fall of the Twin Towers
How do you best determine an initial ventilator mode? Is the patient on the most appropriate mode at the present time? How many modes are available on a specific ventilator?
Endotracheal intubation (ETI), like any other invasive procedure, comes with its own set of inherent risks and potential harmful sequelae.
As Tunisia faces a surge of COVID-19 cases, demand for life-saving oxygen has grown higher than the supply.
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