Using EtCO2 to Make the Most of Your Pain Management Care
Measuring EtCO2 is the most accurate monitoring tool that paramedics can use in real time to assess the overall status of the patient in the field.
Measuring EtCO2 is the most accurate monitoring tool that paramedics can use in real time to assess the overall status of the patient in the field.
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. It’s not just something you do in yoga class.
Understanding the complicated disease of Cystic Fibrosis will help you provide better initial care and assessment.
Dr. Marvin A. Wayne on why we do not use the measurement of end-tidal carbon dioxide to its full potential.
Deplorable conditions — broken or substandard equipment, a lack of drugs, low wages — reflects the meltdown of Ukraine’s health care system.
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