What is Capnography?

The word “capnography” is derived from a Latin twist based on an original Greek concept. The Greeks first wrote about combustion centers throughout the body that they said released a byproduct called “Kapnos,” or in Latin, “Capnos”; both are words for...
Vintage Manual Ventilation: The 1,500 mL BVM (Bag-Valve-Mask Manual Resuscitator)

Vintage Manual Ventilation: The 1,500 mL BVM (Bag-Valve-Mask Manual Resuscitator)

Although the device still works as designed, is still in service and being used by well-intentioned clinicians, it should be on the shelf with the Medical Anti-Shock Trousers, LifePak 5 and Biophone. While change is sometimes slow, and healthcare providers can be described as conservatively fixed, lung protective ventilation is the current standard of care. 

Waveform Assessment & High ETCO2

Capnography is the only tool in the universe that is non-invasive, in real time and simultaneously assesses a patient’s airway patency, quality of breathing, perfusion/shock status and metabolic state.  How does it work?  What does the waveform tell you vs....